Friday the 29th of May.
Today we will revise some vocabulary  materials. 
 1) Let's sing our favourite song  "Human" by  Rag'n'Bone Man

2) How do you think what books belongs to fiction literature or to non-fiction? №1.№2
 50 Best Selling Fiction Books Of 2016
Special terms in children's non-fiction books: Choice and presentation

3) I recommend you to watch video "Why study English at school"

4) During summer holidays I recomend you to learn and improve your English. Speaking about muself  I am going to watch films in English to read a book(fiction literature) and to learn my favourite Song "Girls Like You" by Maroon 5.
What about you write me please in viber what song are you going to learn during your vacation. (Протягом літніх канікул я раджу вам вивчати та вдосконалбвати англійську. Щодо мене я планую дивитись фільми англійською, прочитати книжку та вичити улюблену пісню "Girls Like You". А ви? Напишіть мені у вайбер, яку пісню англійською вивчити ви?
До зустрічі у 9 класі!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy Summer Holiday Background. Season Vacation, Weekend. Vector ...

Wednesday, the twenty-seventh of May.
TEST.Speaking Comprehension.
1)You can complete the test (9 points) 
 2) You can ring me up and speak about "The UK" or "Ukraine"(12points)
Bored woman waiting for the phone to ring - License, download or ...

I will wait for your call 📲

Tuesday, the 26th of May.
TEST. Writing Comprehension
 Контрольна робота (письмо)
 Click here:

You Can Do It Yes GIF by brontron (With images) | You can do it ...

Friday, the 22nd of May
Test. Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension
1) Read the text carefully.
My name's Lora and I work in a public library. I like to read and do research. I help people finding books, magazines, videos, websites and other information. Another part of my work is to buy new books, magazines and movies for the library. I arrange books and other items so that people can find them.
A librarian also needs computer skills because most libraries have computers. I often also help people using the computer to find what they need.
The best part of my job is helping people. There are many kids who love reading. They sometimes ask me if I could help them to find an interesting book. But I also spend a lot of time at my desk or at the computer to enter data of books and people.
Making budgets and keeping records is a part of my job too, but I don´t like it very much.
I work full time, but there are two librarians who work part time at our library. People can come to our library from Monday to Friday. Opening hours are from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  On Wednesday and Thursday people can come to us from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm. Some librarians work weekends or evenings.
My friend Anna is a school librarian. She loves reading to children and teaching them about books and research. Anna works when school is open and she is off during school vacations.
Some librarians work in government, businesses and other places where people need to find information quickly.
You usually need a graduate degree in library science or information science to be a librarian 

2) Having read the text do the tasks. Click here(Прочитавши текст, виконай завдання) :

Square Grunge Red You Can Do It Stamp — стоковая векторная графика ...

Wednesday, the 20th of May.
TEST. Listening "The Will" 
Listen to the text very attentively then do the tasks and send me a Viber message.(Послухай текст дуже уважно, виконай завданнята надішли у вайбер.)
Підготуйся до контрольної роботи (письмо), потори лексичний та граматичний матеріал за IIсеместр.

Harry Potter Good Luck GIF by Sky - Find & Share on GIPHY

Friday, the 19th of May.
Test "Geographical outlook"
You have only 40 minuties to complete a test, so let's start! Click on the link( час проходження контрольної роботи - 40хв.Клацай на посилання): 

 School Fun Good Luck on Your Test Teacher Student" Greeting Card ...

Friday, the 15th of May.
Home Reading."Nellie Bly"
 Today you will learn more about the profession of a journalist, we’ll read and discuss a text about a woman journalist 

1.Vocabulary (запиши та вивчи)

a penalty [ˈpenlti] покарання, пенальті
a mind[maɪnd] розум
a venture [ˈventʃə] ризикована, смілива справа
mysterious [mɪˈstɪərɪəs] таємничий, містичний
upset [ʌpˈset]розчарований, засмучений
to venture [ˈventʃə]наважуватись
to make a living - заробляти на прожиття
to give a chance [tʃɑːns]  дати можливість 

2. Open your books on page 233. Listen then read the story.

3. Read the story again and give English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word-combinations (прочитай знову та випиши з тексту такі слова та словосполучення англійською)
Ризикована справа, піклуватись, шукати, публікувати, видавець, розум, заробляти на прожиття, репортер, проти, засмучений, фабрика, безпечний, удавати, в’язниця, звучати, погоджуватися, пароплав, діставатися берега, відсилати, пересікати, вітати.

4.Compete a test. Пройди тестування по тексті "Nellie Bly" за посиланням:
Увага!!! Час виконання тесту 40хв

Have a Good Weekend animated weekend sunday saturday happy weekend ...

Wednesday, the13th of May.
LOOK BACK.Повторення теми "Geographical outlook"
Today we’ll remember the words and grammar on the topics  «Geographical Outlook"
 Let's revise "Definite ArticleThe with Geographical Names"
 (повторітьвживання означеного артикля з географічними назвами)
1.Complete the sentences with the or(no article).Впиши артикль the, де потрібно.
1)_ Highlands in northern _Scotland is a region of mountain
ranges, deep valleys and beautiful lakes.
2) _Ben Nevis —_ highest peak in _Great Britain — rises in
3) When we were in _London, we stayed in Plaza Hotel.
4) Americans call _Mississippi river «the Father of Waters».
5) The waters of _North Sea and _English Channel separate
_Great Britain from _ Europe.
7) _Yonge Street in _Canada is the longest street in the world.

2.Потренуйся з вживанням артикля за посиланням:

 3.Revise Present Perfect Passive.

Past perfect passive - Crown English Club
4. John has been away from his home city for 10 years. Now he is back to Mainfield and sees many changes. Write what John noticed.Джона не був в рідному місті 10 років.Зараз він повернувся.Напиши, які зміни він побачив.(використовуй пасив)
They have built a new hospital. → A new hospital has been built.
2) They have been opened a theatre.
3) They have closed the market.
4)They have planted many trees.
5)They have changed the names of some streets.

5.Do ex6p215 (1,3,4,5,8) Виконай письмово впр 6 стор216.Дай відповіді на питання 1,3,4,5,8.
 Гифка среда гиф картинка, скачать анимированный gif на GIFER

Tuesday, the 12th of May
 Climate of Ukraine
 Today you’ll practise reading and speaking about the climate of our country — Ukraine.
1. Complete the test "Ukraine"(виконайте тест за посиланням)

 2.Vocabulary (запиши та вивчи)
to influence [ˈɪnflʊəns] впливати
to have an influence on - мати вплив на когось
 3. Watch the video (тривалістю до 8хв)

 4.Read the text "Climate of Ukraine" ex 8p218, then answer the questions:
1)What has a very important influence on plants, animals and people.
2) What is climate determined by?
3)What is the average temperature in Ukraine?
4)What is the coldest months in Ukraine?
5) What is the hottest month?
6) What's your favourite season and why?

 Bye Bye GIF by Joey Graceffa - Find & Share on GIPHY

Friday, the 8th of May.

The Geography and Climate 0f Ukraine.
   1) Complete the test " The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"  (Виконай тест за посиланням: , ввівши код доступу 424392 Завдання необхідно виконати до 8 травня 19:00

 2) Vocabulary(запиши та вивчи)

an area [eəriə] площа, територія
a border [ˈbɔːdə] кордон
a territory[terɪt(ə)ri] територія
flat [flæt] рівнинний
major [meɪdʒə] основний
mountainous [ˈmaʊntɪnəs] гірський
to border on [ˈbɔːdə] межувати з
to stretch [stretʃ] простягатися

 3) Open your books on page 214-215 and watch the video lesson . (Відкрий підручник на стор 214-215 та переглянь відеоурок від 36 хвилини до 48 хв)
 4) Complete the sentences.  (доповни речення, письмово)                           

             1. Ukraine covers an area of ...            

        2 . Our country borders on ...       

        3. Ukraine is washed by ...                

4. The two mountainous areas are ... 

5. The main rivers are ...                    

6. The climate is ...                             

  7 . The population of Ukraine is ...    

    Weekend Mood_Animated Emojis by ZI YUAN on Dribbble


Wednesday,the 6th of May. 

Today we are going to speak about "The United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: geographical position  and climate”. 
Сьогодні опрацьовуємо текст"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" стор212-213 (аудіо та відеофайли надіслані у вайбер-групу "Form 8")

1) Let’s revise some words, word combinations  (пригадай слова та словосполучення)

                  - to be washed by                     
                   - a climate

  -    to  separate                       
   -  a continent

   -to  consist of                        
  -  an island

  -  to  occupy                           
   -   mild

  -  to  surround                     
  - to be situated
make up your own sentences using new words.  (склади 5 речень з поданими словами чи словосполученнями)

2) Answer the questions, in written form.Дай відповіді на запитання ,письмово. 

1. Is the United Kingdom situated on an island or a continent?
2. What territory does Northen Ireland occupy?
3. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?
4. What are their names?
5. Where are they situated,
6. What is Great Britain surrounded by?
7. What can you say about the rivers in Great Britain?
8. Where are the mountains situated?
9. What do you Know about London?
10. What makes the climate of Great Britain mild?
11.What can you say about the climate of Great Britain ?

 Humpday Happy Wednesday GIF - Humpday HappyWednesday HangInThere ...

Tuesday, the 5th of May.

 Today you’ll practise reading  about the cities and people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

1) Great Britain : Scotland, England, Wales.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

 English is great!: The UK
2) Ex 2 a) p212. Geographical names (запис вимови власних назв надісланий у групу- вайбер 8 клас)
Loch Lomond

 Ben NevisНациональный парк Loch Lomond and the Trossachs | VisitBritain

 Cardiff University climber, 21, dies in fall on Ben Nevis - BBC News

 the Gulf Stream
 What Is the Gulf Stream? | NOAA SciJinks – All About Weather

 River Thames
 River Thames Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

 3) Vocabulary(запишіть слова в словник та вивчіть.Аудіозапис слів з перекладом надісланий у вайбер-групу)

4) Ex 2b p212. Read and translate the text then answer the questions(прочитай та переклади текст, дай відповіді на запитання письмово)

1) Where is the UK situated?
2) What part of Ireland does Northern Ireland occupy?
3) How many parts does Great Britain consist of?
4) What are their names?
5) Where is Scotland situated?
6) Where is England situated?
7) Where is Wales situated?
8)What is Great Britain surrounded by?
9)What is the capital of Great Britain?
10) What can you tell about the rivers in Great Britain?

5) Additional information about the UK.Watch the video

 Have A Good Day GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Revision "Present Perfect .Passive Voice. "
Let's check your knowledge. 
Click on the link: 
Тренувальні вправи
1)Answer the questions about your English lesson using Present Perfect Passive.
  1. Have you been asked to read a text?
  2. Has the text been translated?
  3. Have the new words been written down?
  4. Have the exercises been done by all the pupils?
  5. Has your friend been asked to recite something?
  6. Has large homework been given?
  7. Who has been given good (bad) marks?
  8. Have you been praised by the teacher?
2)Use Present Perfect Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
  1. Peter ... (to break) the window.
  2. The exercise ... (to write) already.
  3. The text ... (to translate) by Victor.
  4. The teacher just ... (to explain) the new rule.
  5. We (to learn) the Passive Voice already.
  6. A new school ... (to build) in this street.
Виконані завдання надіслати у Viber

 Good Luck GIF | Gfycat

1)Revision. Grammar.  Let's revise
Present Perfect (have/has Ved(3))
✅Present Perfect Passive (have/has been Ved(3))

Read the sentences⇓
 👲He has eaten an apple🍎.
An apple🍎  has been eaten (by him 👲)

👪 They have bought a new car🚗.
A new car🚗 has been bought by them👪

2) Look at the picture and answer the question: What has been done?(подивись на картинка і напиши, що було зроблено have/has been Ved(3)).
 For example: The flowers have been watered.
 Are You Sure that Plant Needs Water? 5 Signs of Overwatering ...

 Стоковое видео «Close-up of Fresh Cooked Italian» (абсолютно без ...

 Газета «Високий Замок» буде офіційним друкованим виданням ЛОДА на ...

 Нове плаття h&m 3-4 роки на ріст 104 H&M, цена - 165 грн, #9537058 ...

6 Tips to Help Your Child with ADHD Get His Homework Done! - North ...
8 кл. Grammar and vocabulary test | Тест з англійської мови – «На ...

3) Do ex 5 p210.Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 
For example:
They have published her  new book recently.
Her new book has been published (by them) recently.
Всі виконані завдання надсилайте у вайбер.
will ferrell goodbye gif find share on giphy Good Bye GIF - LowGif

 Hello everyone!
Present Perfect Passive
Today we are going to revise grammar material: the Passive Voice, and practise it in sentences and exercises.

1) Read the sentences and compare(прочитай та порівняй):

I have already eaten an apple.(Я вже з'їв яблуко) -
 Present Perfect (have/has Ved(3))

Man Who Ate an Apple a Day Never Went to Doctor, Dies at 27 ...

The apple has been eaten by me(Яблуке було з'їджене мною) -
Present Perfect Passive (have/has been Ved(3))

Let Her Eat the Apple Stem…and the core – Days with Pen 

2)Change the sentences with Present Perfect Active into Present Perfect Passive.Зміни речення з Present Perfect(активний стан) на Present Perfect(пасивний стан)
have/has Ved(3)-------------- have/has been Ved(3)  
Example:I have already finished my work.  My work has already been finished.

  1. I have already taken the books back to the library. The books ...
  2. She has just written those letters. Those letters ...
  3. The teacher has already checked my test. My test ...
  4. He has lost the key. The key ...
  5. We have opened all the windows. All the windows ... '
  6. I have bought bread on the way home. Bread ...
  7. I have done this exercise. This exercise ...
3) Imagine that your classroom and the school yard have been cleaned. Say what has been done by whom. Уяви собі, що твою класну кімнату та шкільне подвір'я прибрали. Напиши, що було зроблено та ким.
Example: The windows ... (to wash)
— The windows have been washed by the girls.

  1. The desks ... (to wash)
  2. The flowers ... (to water)
  3. The floor ... (to mop)
  4. The desks ... (to dust)
  5. The trees ... (to cut)
Long Wait Stock Illustrations – 966 Long Wait Stock Illustrations ...Виконані завдання надсилайте у вайбер.Чекаю!

 Waving Bye Bye GIF by NBC - Find & Share on GIPHY

 Meme Jackie Chan - Passive voice What? - 26450575
 Hello everybody! How are you!
1.Before starting a new theme do a   TEST  "The with geographical names"(виконай тест).
2.Today we are going to speak abpout passive voice especially Present Perfect Passive.
1)Watch the video.
 Пасивненько відпочинети після уроку англійської мови😉
2)Let's revise:

Пассивный залог в английском языке с упражнениями и таблицами

Презентация на тему: "Passive Voice Страдательный залог глагола ...


present perfect Passive
Present Perfect Passive Voice вживається для вираження дії, яка вже завершилася до моменту мовлення, але її результат має відношення до теперішнього часу. В даному випадку мова йдеться про дію в пасивному стані, тобто підмет не виконує дію, а дія спрямована на підмет (ким-небудь або чим-небудь).
This long article has just been translated.
                  Ця довга стаття щойно перекладена

present perfect Passive

Have / has + been + V3(ed)
Have                    I, we, you, they

Has                he, she, it
He has broken the window.(active)

The window has just been broken by him.(passive)

 Present Perfect
have / has  + V3(ed)

 Present Perfect Passive

Have / has + been + V3(ed)
 E.g. I have done my homework. - Homework has been done by me.

4) Student's Book ex3 p209(постав дієслова в дужках Present Perfect Passive)
5) Translate:
Christopher Brown (@teachNI) | Twitter
 Passive voice – вопрос английского дипломата ⋆ Speakingo online
 SeeYou | Contacts

Grammar.Definite article with the geographical names.
 Let's revise:THE  with the geographical names.(пригадайте вживання означеного артикля з географічними назвами)

 Pin by ばぶ ばぶ on article | Learn english, English articles ...

Articles 1 - Zero Article. Articles in Geographical Names and ...


Zero Article Ø and Definite Article THE in Geographical Names and ...

2. Fill in 'the'.(речення переписувати не обов'язково, лише географічну назву і артикль, якщо потрібно)

1.   ___ BermudaTriangle is located in ___ Atlantic Ocean.
2.  The longest river of the world is ___ Nile River.
3.  The lowest lake of the world is ___ Dead Sea, the deepest lake is ___ Lake Baikal, the longest lake is ___ Tanganyika.
4.  ___ Lake Superior is the largest of ___ Great Lakes.
5.  In ___ Atlantic Ocean, ___ American Mediterranean Sea is the combination of the seas of ___ Gulf of Mexico and ___ Caribbean Sea.
6.  ___ Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world. ___Tugela Falls is the world’s second tallest. Europe’s highest waterfall is ___ Utigard in Norway. 

3.Practice.Потренуйся (впиши 'the', або мінус '-' )за посиланням:
 About Us

Wishing You all the Joy! Happy Easter Card | Birthday & Greeting ...

Geographical Outlook.Definite Articles.

Today we are going to start а new topic, «Geographical Outlook». We’ll get to know some new vocabulary. Besides we’ll learn how to use articles with geographical names.
1.Сьогодні на уроці ми дізнамось, який артикль вживається з певними географічними назвами.
 В англійській мові є два артикля: неозначений – «a» і «an» та означений «the».
Article Артиклі неозначений a an перед приголосною
2. Переглянь відео( пояснення граматичного матерілу). Обов'язково!!!

3.Repeat the rules.Повтори правила!
 Вживання означеного артикля "The" - презентація з англійської мови
 Вживання означеного артикля "The" - презентація з англійської мови
 4. Put 'the' or nothing(in written form) . Запиши слова, вставляючи артикль the, якщо потрібно.

_USA, _Sahara Desert,_Black Sea, _Nile, _lake Victoria, _London, _South Pole, _New York, _Carpathians, _Alps, _Ukraine,_Himalayas, _Rava-Ruska, _Black Sea, _lake Svitiaz, _Dnipro, _Hoverla, _Poland, _Europe.
Виконане завдання надсилайте у вайбер.

 Goodbye bye comic bubble text Stock Photo: 174699097 - Alamy


Виконай контрольну роботу в classroom, або за посиланням:

 Using the plan writea bout Ukrainian newspaper or magazine.

My favourite newspaper/ magazine is…
It is a daily/ weekly/ monthly publication.
It is small/ large/ not large.
It consists of … (5) pages.
The cover is bright with colourful pictures.

It catches the eye of readers

… appeals to
… is interesting for

Educated people
Children and teens
Sport fans
Holiday makers
Middle class people

This magazine is serious/ entertaining.

                                      There is

a great choice of topics.
a great variety of topics.
a wide range of topics and problems.

You can find different sections in it:

sport news
lifestyles of famous people/ singers/ actors/ celebrities
music (with posters of famous singers)
National/ international news
Cultural events
Computer games
Film reviews
Problem pages
Fashion pages

 Використовуючи план та активну лексику (з теми "A Daily, a Weekly, a Monthly..." p182-199), напишіть про газету, або журнал в classroom.

Термін здачі самостійної роботи перенесено на  8 квітня.

Grammar. MixedTenses.
1)Повтори утворення та вживання  часів Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple та Present Continuous, Past Continuous.(Всі записи  - в словнику)

2) Watch the video(Додатково переглянь відео)
3)Translate the sentences and write the tenses.(Переклади речення та вкажи час дієслова)Виконане завдання надішли у вайбер.
1)Моя мама часто купляє періодичні видання.
2) Секретарка друкує повідомлення зараз.
3) Водій доставив газети та журнали вчора.
4) Я не люблю читати жовтої преси.
5) Яскрава обкладинка привертає увагу читачів.
6) Він читав газету о 6 годині вчора.

4) Do ex3 and 4 p 192.(Виконай впр3,4 стор 192 усно)

 The End.

Tabloids&Quality papers.
All newspapers can be divided into two types: Quality papers and tabloids
Quality papers:

  • Give information of good quality
  • Write about serious things: politics, economy, government, international events, business, culture 
  • are large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events
Презентация на тему: "Mass media in Great Britain The Press The ... 

Tabloids (жовта преса)

  • Write about celebrities
  • Contain mostly different kinds of gossips and about less important events
  • Have a lot of pictures, jokes, crosswords, horoscopes, photographs taken secretly by paparazzi 
  • Are smaller in size have shorter articles and have more pictures
 Tabloids: Duchess Meghan's Cinderella story unravels | The Star
 Let's speak about Ukrainian press.You can see some newspapers and magazines. Choose one and write about it.Обери одне з видань та опиши. 
For example: In my opinion"Bazaar" belongs to the tabloids because it is smaller in size..........

газета Прикордоння – ПрикордонняВидання видавничого дому «Високий замок» — Високий Замок

 Журнал Viva! Украина №17 Сентябрь 2017 - читайте онлайн journals.uaЖурнал Harper's Bazaar залишається в Україні | PRпортал Украины ...
 Виконай самостійну роботу в classroom

Additional information

British Press 
 The papers in Britain are divided into two groups – the quality papers and the tabloids
The quality papers are large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events. The tabloids are smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures. The articles in the tabloids are shorter and about less important events. Sometimes they are about private lives of well-known people. 
There are daily and Sunday papers. Sunday papers are larger than daily papers; they are national, and that means they can bought all over Britain. Many papers and magazines are printed in colour, and a number of papers produce colour magazines as a part of Saturday and Sunday papers. They provide reading material about fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays. They publish sections with articles on travel, food and wine, and other leisure topics. 
The great number of magazines is published for women. Their 

bright covers are designed to catch the eye, and they certainly succeed in doing so. There are magazines for motorists, farmers, 

gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. There is always something to read
 Remember! A million books One million books Two million books Five million books But Millions of magazines Millions of people

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